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Viewing the audit log

All actions in BlueCielo Explorer and in Meridian Enterprise Server Administration Console are logged to a database. This data can be used to perform security audits and system troubleshooting.

Note    Publishing job activity is not logged in the audit database. Refer to Publisher Queue described in Viewing the Publisher queue instead.

To view the audit log:

  1. In Meridian Enterprise Server Administration Console, in the System Management group, click Audit Log. The Audit Log page appears. By default, no data is shown at first due to the large volume of data that the audit log can hold. You must select a filter for the type of activity that you want to view.

To export the audit log as a Microsoft Excel workbook:

  1. In Meridian Enterprise Server Administration Console, in the System Management group, click Audit Log. The Audit Log page appears.
  2. In the app bar, click EXPORT. The EXPORT FILE PATH dialog box appears.
  3. Type a path and filename where to store the data or click the browse icon and select a destination and then click EXPORT. The job is starts as a background task. For information about background tasks, see Monitoring background tasks. The entire audit log database will be exported to the output file where you can filter, sort, organize, and format the data to meet your requirements.